Most of your interaction with the canvas will actually be directed toward its ‘rendering context’, a supporting object you can acquire by calling the canvas’s getContext() and newPage() methods.
Canvas State | Drawing | Pattern & Color | Line Style | Transform | Bezier Paths | Typography | Images | Compositing & Effects |
canvas 🧪 | clearRect() | fillStyle | lineCap | currentTransform | moveTo() | direction | imageSmoothingEnabled | filter |
beginPath() | fillRect() | strokeStyle | lineDashFit 🧪 | createProjection() 🧪 | lineTo() | font 🧪 | imageSmoothingQuality | globalAlpha |
closePath() | strokeRect() | createConicGradient() | lineDashMarker 🧪 | getTransform() | arcTo() | fontVariant 🧪 | createImageData() / |